Conos de Incienso Sai Baba Nag Champa Dhoop
Los Conos Sai Baba Nag Champa Dhoop son conos de incienso hechos en la India. Con materia vegetal natural, hierbas y flores champa, trituradas en una pasta con sándalo y enrolladas a mano, en forma de conos. Fragancia exótica y suntuosa y combustión lenta. Cada paquete contiene 12 conos de incienso y una bandejita para el quemado.
Compra 3 unidades | 5% de descuento |
Compra 5 unidades | 10% de descuento |
Compra 10 unidades | 15% de descuento |
Más información relacionada con este producto:
Beste wierrook
Nag champa is het beste merk
Encens au top
Super senteur
Prefer sticks but great product still.
I got one pack so far, the packaging could be more sustainable but is fully recyclable for places with access to full recycling services. For those that don't have access biodegradable packaging is the solution here.
The cones I got weighed between 1.22-1.7g and the packet was 17.6 grams in total. The "tray" is a little ceramic? (not to sure on material) circle that can also hold an stick (but not overly well) for the cones it works if you have nothing else and captures most the ash.
Similar in weight to sticks but will burn quicker, in my conditions, while similar weight sticks will burn in an hour these will burn in 20-30 mins. This creates a stronger scent as the same weight of incense is burning more quickly. The shape means less area burns at the top but will do so more quickly and as it goes down more area burns at once but it seems to slow down so the scent is an even strength the whole burn. These are good if you need a quick strong smell. Their scent was like nag champa but from my pack more lemon-woody smelling version. Assuming most stick packs are 15g and if mine was a reasonable weight these are about 33% more expensive while only being 13% more incense by weight and I am finding the same brands sticks to be very overweight so in reality you end up paying more for the same weight, otherwise this would be 9/10.
The best
Can be pretty potent depending on what you take
This stuff can definitely enhance psilocybe and lsd trips. darker trips can be brightened :)
also marijuana is very pleasant to smoke near it A stoned feeling can fast turn into a more sativa like feeling with it! almost like frankisncense. Its a very pleasant smell. i prefer the blue ones over the back ones here. Cause imo they burn a abit slower, and the black ones got little bit of a soapy smell imo, still not bad when those here are out of stock. on every order i buy some so i have some on board!! those ones get full 5 stars from em :)
Huelen de maravilla. Me encantan
sent bon
I like these
Will buy again probably.
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