Super Skunk Automatic (Sensi Seeds) feminizada


La Super Skunk Automatic feminizada de Sensi Seeds es la tercera manifestación de la Skunk #1 original. Es la versión autofloreciente de una de las cepas más rápidas y consistentes del mundo del cannabis. Con un breve plazo de floración que comienza después de una fase vegetativa relativamente previsible, es adecuada incluso para el cultivo en exterior en zonas con veranos cortos.

22,00 € IVA incluído
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Número de semillas: 3 22,00 €
  • Número de semillas: 3 22,00 €
  • Número de semillas: 5 34,00 €
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Número de semillas: 3
22,00 €
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Número de semillas: 5
34,00 €
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Sensi Seeds - Super Skunk Automatic: Una Cepa Clásica Ahora Autofloreciente

La Super Skunk Automatic feminizada de Sensi Seeds es la continuación de una historia de auténtico éxito. La Skunk #1 original ha sido recruzada con una de sus cepas parentales, una planta de hachís afgana cuidadosamente seleccionada. Después, para dotar a esta cepa del rasgo autofloreciente, se agregó genética ruderalis a la mezcla.

El resultado es una planta que reúne todas las cualidades que hacen a la Super Skunk tan famosa; plantas que son auténtica dinamita, con una estructura de crecimiento fuerte y compacta, y capaces de perdonar errores de cultivo. Después de tan solo 7-9 semanas desde la semilla hasta la cosecha, te recompensará con cogollos gruesos y empapados de resina, con una fragancia deliciosa.

La capacidad autofloreciente hace que la Super Skunk Automatic sea especialmente adecuada para el cultivo en exterior en zonas con veranos cortos. Solo tienes que adelantar un poco la siembra para aprovechar las semanas más cálidas y soleadas del verano. Después de unas 4 semanas (como norma general, +/- 1 semana) de crecimiento vegetativo, la planta empezará a florecer.

La Super Skunk Automatic tiene un 80% de genética índica que te proporciona un buen viaje y, en términos de fumada, realmente lo tiene todo. Además de su sabor a hachís de limón de la vieja escuela, produce un efecto cerebral y físico muy agradable que representa la máxima expresión de la relajación. Si consumes cannabis para desestresarte y relajarte, esta cepa con un contenido medio de THC es perfecta para descargar de forma cuidadosa los problemas cotidianos.

Super Skunk Automatic (Sensi Seeds) feminizada - Ficha Técnica
Marca Sensi Seeds
Padres (Skunk #1 x planta de hachís afgana) x Ruderalis
Genética Ruderalis/Indica/Sativa
Tipo de floración Autofloreciente
Periodo De Floración 8-9 semanas de la semilla al cultivo
THC Medio
Altura En Interior Medio
Altura En Exterior Medio
Producción En Interior Medio
Producción En Exterior Medio
Sexo Feminizada
Disponible Como Semilla Feminizada
*Según el banco de semillas cuando se cultiva en condiciones ideales
Reseñas (9)

    Bisher alles reibungslos. Bin auf das Endergebnis gespannt!

    A. F.

    Goeie kwaliteit

    J. V.

    Super Skunk automatik
    Super Versand....alle sind optimal gewachsen . Jetzt 2.woche und die legen richtig los.freu mich auf die ernte

    S. K.

    Great shop
    Noch nicht ausprobiert,aber über die samen hatte ich nie Probleme von sensi seeds oder samenbank ever

    D. H.

    Ottima pianta con cime dense, sapore super, 3 su 3 e resa nella media, consigliata!

    G. C.

    Kommt langsam...dafür gewaltig!
    Die Pflanze hat sich ewig Zeit gelassen...aber dann hat sie den Turbo eingelegt und wächst und wächst und wächst.

    T. K.

    2 von 3 Samen Gekeimt. Eine Pflanze nur 30 Cm Hoch und fast kein Ertrag. Die andere Pflanze dafür 120cm und Mega Ertrag und Bomben Geschmack. Super Skunk halt

    K. D.

    Very nice first experience
    Now that I own my own backyard, I wanted to make a teenage dream come true and grow my own plants for personal use. I'm a complete beginner, so I mostly selected on easy to grow, but potent weed. My research led me to this super skunk automatic. It was my first go at it, so I experimented plenty. I bouhgt 3 seeds. Halfway April I germinated one seed in soil in a pot inside, one in wet paper towels and one I planted straight into my backyard. The 3rd one didn't make it (probably planted it too deep as well and felt risky in any case), but the first 2 did well.At first the one that germinated in soil did best, but after about 10 days the one that was germinated in the paper towel passed the other one by and became the bigger plant. After a month of growing inside behind glass or outside in the sun with good weather, I planted them outside in the open ground. Taking them out of their pots though, I damaged the roots of one of them (the one that germinated in soil).This one didn't grow as tall as the other one. It got to about 80cm, the big one 120cm. Both didn't grow at all for about a week after moving them outside, I assume they focused on their roots in this time. So I didn't use any fertilizer. Didn't do anything like low stress training or so either. Just let nature take its course. Only watered them every evening during 2 dry weeks in early june. Had a lot of rain for the rest of the growing time. No maintenance furthermore. Although I did inspect them every day of course, which was very enjoyable in and of itself. In fact, tending to the plants as a daily ritual was a far greater joy to me than I had expected. Another bonus from growing yourself. The plants both started blooming halfway through june. At the start of july, I noticed a brown spot on one of the goodlooking buds that grew right below the main cola. The next day the spot was a little bit bigger, so I harvested the bud and removed the affected bits. It was toprot, so I'm glad I caught it early. The unaffected bits of the bud I put out to dry as testers. After just a few days of drying those (little bits of bud dry fast), I couldn't wait to try it out anymore and put some in my handheld vape and learnt that it was good. It was as I had dreamt... my biggest fear had been that the potency of the weed would be much below what I'm used to from the dutch coffee shops, but it was not. It was good weed. Hallelujah. So in the second half of june, 13 weeks after germination, I harvested. Longer than the advertised time, but then I did not provide ideal circumstances either. And I still find it surprisingly fast. Had a good week of very sunny weather in the end there too, but there was rain on the way and I worried that there might be more toprot spores hiding on the plant, just waiting for enough water. Also the trichomes were looking good and mostly cloudy/white. I just now put the buds, that dried in my shed for a week, in jars for curing. The dry weight, with close to no more sizeable branches at all, came to 16g for the little plant (I think I should've let it bloom a bit longer, the buds are airy, the big plant's buds are much denser) and 46,5g for the big one. I had overestimated the weight it might be when the plants were wet, but 62,5g of quality weed for €22,00 is a great deal, if you ask me. Am going to try and do 2 grows of 2 plants every year now and provide for myself with a good deal left over to hand out to my closest friends as well, if with experience I can get to harvests of 50 - 100g per plant, which seems very attainable, considering my best plant was already almost at that low end. TLDR: Harvested 62,5g of great weed from two of these plants as an absolute beginner with minimal effort. Highly recommended! Will try other varieties in the future and review as well.

    S. J.

    staan nu 2 weken samen met 5x amnesia haze,gister 1 skunk er tussenuit gehaald,een herma vermoed ik,hele bossen zaadachtige hoesjes en vreemde trosjes als "topjes",beetje blauwdruif achtig vorm...,andere 2 gaan goed,laat ik nog van weten wat het eind resultaat word.

    D. V.
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Super Skunk Automatic (Sensi Seeds) feminizada
Super Skunk Automatic (Sensi Seeds) feminizada
Todos los productos están pensados exclusivamente para fines legales y no para consumo o usos ilegales. Las semillas de cannabis se venden como souvenirs, y su germinación es ilegal en muchos países—por favor, infórmate antes de comprarlas. Al comprarlas confirmas que eres mayor de edad y conoces la legislación local. Zamnesia no es responsable de ninguna acción que incumpla estas leyes. Todos los productos de cannabis, cáñamo, relacionados con las setas y otros que ofrecemos se venden cumpliendo estrictamente con las leyes locales en vigor.
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