Filtros De Carbón Activado Purize (Regulares)
Transforma tu canuto con un filtro de carbón activado Purize (regular). No solo hará que tu variedad favorita tenga un sabor extraordinario, sino que además tú también te sentirás genial. Gracias a su fabricación con materiales ecológicos, los filtros de carbón activado con base de coco filtran las sustancias desagradables para ofrecerte una experiencia mucho más suave y placentera.
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Purize - Filtros De Carbón Activado (Regulares): Transforma Tu Fumada
Despídete de los porros de sabor fuerte y a ceniza y da la bienvenida a unas caladas mucho más frescas. Mediante el uso de carbón activado con base de coco, estos filtros pequeños (pero poderosos) reducen las sustancias perjudiciales derivadas del material quemado. Con cada calada, no solo obtendrás un sabor más fresco, sino que además disfrutarás de una fumada bastante más suave.
La elaboración de estos filtros regulares es insuperable. El recubrimiento de cerámica (en ambos extremos) facilita el liado, mientras que los materiales ecológicos garantizan que te sientas tan bien como sabe tu canuto. Muchas personas creen que los filtros son innecesarios a la hora de liar un porro, pero eso es porque aún no han probado los filtros regulares de Purize. No cometas el mismo error, ¡tu paladar te lo agradecerá!
Estos filtros vienen en un envase resellable para ofrecer la máxima comodidad y frescura.
Marque | Purize |
Tipo | Boquillas Y Filtros |
Diámetro | 9mm |
Pe fect smoke
Haben nen guten Durchzug!
live changing
They are long so you can actually smoke your joint all the way through.
I just pull it out a few milimeters if I get close to the end
Verstopfen nur bei extremen Temperaturen
But it would have helped had I looked at its size 🤔 9mm. As needed 6mm, but made a friend happy and used it as a cheap xmas present
Be sure this is what you need!
These tips are not for me. While I had no leakage and it filters reasonably well, it's not for me.
Is it for you? Read on ;p
I am a silver paper smoker. Thin blunts. When I light my blunt up, my room won't be filled with lots of smoke. In my opinion smoke in the air is money thrown away. If you are like me, go find another tip now.
If you are like my old buddy who loves to cough the whole room together and fill it to the absolute brim just to show off he has money and weed... And you love to take deep breaths with as much smoke as possible, no matter the coughing... Than this is the tip for you. Because. its' BIG. Really, really mind boggling big! It's also LONG. So you'll get less to smoke. I think these tips are more for pipe smokers and such? I never did that, so read the other reviews (if any) for experiences with that.
For me it was a nice experiment and if they'll make smaller (conical) ones... I'll be testing them out once again for sure. But these? I'll pass on these. Sorry.
Silver Smoker out! *dropping mic*
Top top top
Une scéance de fumette douce et agréable en perspective avec ces filtres. Fumée agréable et douce, à essayer.
very good filters
smoke very very good. though sometimes airflow gets blocked when the material youre rolling up with is too oily
Great product
Best of the best
Top filter ! I try them all , slim fits better for rolling a slim joint but you losing a bit of the taste , im smoking pure joints, with the regular filters taste stays the same as without filter! Amazing! The minus is that it’s a bit big and you can’t roll a small joint
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