Esta hierba psicodélica de Happy Caps está basada en la semilla de Baby Woodrose hawaiana (HBW - argyreia nervosa) con un toque de cafeína para añadirle resonancia.
Compra 3 unidades | 5% de descuento |
Compra 5 unidades | 10% de descuento |
Compra 10 unidades | 15% de descuento |
La HBW es una planta de parra con hojas en forma de corazón y flores de trompeta blancas. Originariamente procede de la India aunque ya se cultiva en todo el mundo, incluido Hawai. Esta semilla grande y acolchada crece en tiesto y contiene la psicodélica LSA.
Un paquete de Trip-e contiene 4 cápsulas.
Los ingredientes activos que component el Trip-E (cantidad por cápsula) son:
- Baby Woodrose Hawaiana (150 mg, los ingredientes activos de la cual son la amida de ácido D-lisérgico y otros componentes relacionados).
- Cafeína (20 mg)
- Estearato de magnesio
- Dióxido de calcio
- hidroxi propil metil celulosa.(cápsula vegetal)
Número de cápsulas | 4 |
Mit Vorsicht
zu geniessen! 3 Maximal und nicht allein.
Nice and safe
Nice high quality and safe
Nice stuff
I went to the bar after takin. Smells were imensly present, it was overwhelmin! Got sweaty and nausiache for a sec, but adjusted to feeling and great experience. Comfortable and settling feeling. Not strongly visual. 9/10
Ich Brauch kein Red Bull zum fliegen
Macht spas
Die können richtig was. Machen durchaus spaß, aber man sollte wirklich nicht mehr als 2 Stück nehmen. Besser diese Dinger nicht unterschätzen.
Gute Erfahrung
Definitiv zum empfehlen!
Non immaginavo potesse veramente avere un effetto significativo e invece mi sbagliavo. Unica pecca a mio parere è la caffeina che stona un po'.
Not recommended
I took one pill and after 1 hour absolutely no effects. I took another pill and after another 3 hours still no effect, only a slight nausea. The nausea got worse, and I woke up in the night not able to sleep because of stomach ache. At that point I noted something that could be very weak synesthesia. It might be due to the pill, or maybe just my half-awake state. Not very interesting thogh. I finally felt asleep and next morning felt very uncomfortable. A dizziness like I was drunk and with a very annoying stomachache. I tried eating something but had a strong feeling of vomiting and a bit of cold sweats. I slept most of the day and only after about 24 hours had the nausea disappeared. Bottom line: product not recommended, zero effects with low and hight dose, nauseous for the bod.
Combien de temps dure le trip? Où doit-on conserver le paquet et combien de temps peut-on le conserver?
When consumed, you will start noticing the effect after about 30 minutes. From 45 minutes, you will notice its full effect, which will last for a about 3 hours. From then it will start to lessen, but you will be able to sense it's effects for a total of 5 to 6 hours. Please note though that you will feel a portion of the initial effect for the rest of the day.
il y a combien de capsule ?
Each packet contains 2,2grams in 4 (vega)capsules.
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